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Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Moving Image / Animation research - Music Videos

I seem to be collecting a huge list of bookmarked videos and not really doing much with them, so I will upload a few of the examples for all to see.

Starting with 'So Me' (Bertrand De Langeron) a Parisian graphic designer/animator. He is the art director for Ed Banger Records and has created videos for Kanye West, Kid Cudi, Justice, and more recently MGMT. He won the 2005 MTV European award for his video for Justice called "We Are Your Friends." He is also the main designer for the clothing company CoolCats. 2010 saw Bertrand direct Duck Sauce's music video for "Barbara Streisand", making a cameo in the process. Here are a few of his videos he's directed, i'm sure you will recognise them!

So Me’s music video for Kid Cudi’s “Day ‘N’ Night” feels homegrown and from the heart. It’s rough around the edges but full of imagination and charming visuals. The melange of daydream imagery is oddly compelling—like a mashup from a coloring book and a smoke-out. Fitting and fun for the subject at hand.

Which leads me to Paris-based 'Mathematic' who deserves a shout-out for their work on the animation and post-production for this project. There work is used for Advertising, TV, Print and Online web content and branding. Here are some recent examples of their work...

Sébastien Tellier - Look from Record Makers on Vimeo.

A music video for French artist Sébastien Tellier. For his acclaimed album Sexuality, Mathematic and UFO took part in a collaborative video with illustrators Mrzyk & Moriceau. You can find out more on the website

The film was first created in 3D with 2D effects using Flash and After FX and later re-animated on paper by the two illustrators. I love it!

Mathematic played a small but integral part in the motion graphics featured in this music video for rising star Uffie and world reknowned record producer Pharrel.

A collaboration with Jonas et François, Mathematic did all CGI, tracking, compositing and final grading. All real shoes soles were replaced by CGI ones and animated ones.

Click here to read 'The Font Feed's' frame by frame breakdown of how they did it. You wouldn't believe the amount of detail that has been put into this video!

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