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Friday, 28 January 2011

One Thousand Means of Escape

New work from Berlin-based artist Astrid Bin, described as “one thousand paper airplanes are suspended in flight, like flocking birds, or swarming insects." More photos over on Saatchi.

Typogami is a new animated typeface by Calango out of Amsterdam. Head over to their site to purchase and learn how to use it. Click here to see the animated typeface.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Over It: 14 Miles of String

This stringed typography was an experiment in collaboration between no less than eighteen Portland creatives for a 2010 show called OVER IT. OVER IT was an experiment in creating as a group, letting go, disagreement, misunderstanding and trust.

Beyond Black Mesa

Beyond Black Mesa from Brian Curtin on Vimeo.

Beyond Black Mesa is an independent short film inspired by the Half-Life video game series. The film’s protagonist, Adrian Shephard, stands with just a few allies in his quest to send out a warning about an impending invasion. Shot with a Canon HV20 with a cast of seven friends and a budget of just $1,200 USD, the film is surprisingly well-polished given its very limited resources. Which this was a whole film.

Moving Image / Animation research - Music Videos

I seem to be collecting a huge list of bookmarked videos and not really doing much with them, so I will upload a few of the examples for all to see.

Starting with 'So Me' (Bertrand De Langeron) a Parisian graphic designer/animator. He is the art director for Ed Banger Records and has created videos for Kanye West, Kid Cudi, Justice, and more recently MGMT. He won the 2005 MTV European award for his video for Justice called "We Are Your Friends." He is also the main designer for the clothing company CoolCats. 2010 saw Bertrand direct Duck Sauce's music video for "Barbara Streisand", making a cameo in the process. Here are a few of his videos he's directed, i'm sure you will recognise them!

So Me’s music video for Kid Cudi’s “Day ‘N’ Night” feels homegrown and from the heart. It’s rough around the edges but full of imagination and charming visuals. The melange of daydream imagery is oddly compelling—like a mashup from a coloring book and a smoke-out. Fitting and fun for the subject at hand.

Which leads me to Paris-based 'Mathematic' who deserves a shout-out for their work on the animation and post-production for this project. There work is used for Advertising, TV, Print and Online web content and branding. Here are some recent examples of their work...

Sébastien Tellier - Look from Record Makers on Vimeo.

A music video for French artist Sébastien Tellier. For his acclaimed album Sexuality, Mathematic and UFO took part in a collaborative video with illustrators Mrzyk & Moriceau. You can find out more on the website

The film was first created in 3D with 2D effects using Flash and After FX and later re-animated on paper by the two illustrators. I love it!

Mathematic played a small but integral part in the motion graphics featured in this music video for rising star Uffie and world reknowned record producer Pharrel.

A collaboration with Jonas et François, Mathematic did all CGI, tracking, compositing and final grading. All real shoes soles were replaced by CGI ones and animated ones.

Click here to read 'The Font Feed's' frame by frame breakdown of how they did it. You wouldn't believe the amount of detail that has been put into this video!

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Barbed Type: The Devils Rope

The Devil’s Rope is an experimental type piece by designer Andrew Effendy.

… a series of wires pulled across two wooden posts. They are treated to look like barbed wire, except at the spiny, barbed sections where the wires form letters of the alphabet, A through Z. As a whole, the piece seems like a sinister fence of letters, its menacing script casting peculiar shadows on the walls. The allusion of language as a barricade is unavoidable. Effendy’s piece makes you mull over the role of language and how—especially, in today’s world of information overload—language has the power to encourage progress as well as impede it.

Katie Armstrong: once more, once more

once more, once more from Katie Armstrong on Vimeo.

NYC artist and animator Katie Armstrong just made and premiered this animated cover of Britney Spears at the Leipzig International Art Residency Program in Germany. I love animation and hope you do too!

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Poster of Matt's Day!

A wonderful poster by Milwaukee-based designer Christopher Paul.

Shannon Rankin

Born in California artist Shannon Rankin lives and works in Maine.

'In my work I create installations, collages and drawings that use the language of maps to explore the connections among geological and biological processes, patterns in nature, geometry and anatomy. Using a variety of distinct styles I intricately cut, score, wrinkle, layer, fold, paint and pin maps to produce revised versions that often become more like the terrains they represent.'

Incredibly intricate installations, far too much patience. Via Colossal

A Journey In Typography - Ged Palmer

Here is a blog by recent University of the West of England, Bristol graduate Ged Palmer. Ged’s blog ‘A journey in Typography’ is a photo graphic diary of the street typography he encounters on his travels around North & South America. Here are a few of my favourite examples. The selection of typeface's used in America is so much more interesting than whats over here, I might start collecting my own!

Geometric Post-Its

These geometric sticky notes by Present and Correct are just what the drab office ordered. Check out the website, lots of brilliant bits and bobs.

Saturday, 15 January 2011

TRON: Legacy Premiere – A Light Session

Tron Legacy Premiere an ENESS Light Session from ENESS on Vimeo.

I Should have posted this weeks ago... This video was created by Andrew Dorn from scenes captured at the premiere and is accompanied by music from Galapagoose. The event saw Will Hine, Harley Powell, Alexi Dowley and Jay Huggins skate up and down a small half pipe that was fitted with interactive lighting software, keeping in theme with the technologically advanced motion picture. Enjoy!

NYC Time Lapse Video

Thanks to the videographer Mindrelic, there is a now a visually stunning time lapsed virtual tour of the great city of New York which only takes three minutes and twenty five seconds to traverse. The visual journey takes the viewer from river to river in New York capturing all the sights of NY activity whittled down to a vignette one can’t take their eyes off of. Check out the cinematic tour of some of New York’s most recognizable sights.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Lydia Shirreff - Animal, Vegetable, Mineral

New exhibition to watch out for at 'Here Gallery' in Stokes Croft, Bristol featuring Lydia Shirreff a British/Japanese artist living in the UK - focusing on illustration but also installation and sculpture.

“My passion is knowledge. I am endlessly curious about the shape and form of naturally occurring objects: animal, vegetable or mineral. My work so far has been concerned with studying and interpreting natural patterns and forms - I treat my practice as an ongoing documentation of nature.”

Lydia’s drawing creates an outlet for this insatiable fascination. The outcome is largely unplanned and encompasses natural history, geology, fossils, structural dynamics and scientific diagrams. The objects and patterns that inhabit these drawings aren’t copies, they are detailed studies, distillations, extracts of what she finds most interesting.

“I have created installations (a collection of polyhedral objects ) that take this idea further and examine the exploratory response that viewing art and viewing natural history have in common. Through these installations and drawings I am attempting to pass on my own wonder as well as create new experiences.”

Preview Thursday 20th January, 7.00 - 9.00pm
Exhibition open continues until 12th February

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Moving Image Research

Beginning a module in moving image soon, here are a few of my favourite examples i've quickly put together! Enjoy.

One brick, two bricks, three bricks, four…What can you do with these few on the floor? Five bricks, six bricks, seven, eight… Don’t think that’s enough? Well just you wait. It only takes a few bricks to make something CL!CK.

Parra Breakfast from Big Active on Vimeo.

Siggi Eggertsson: A Growing Pile Of Work from Big Active on Vimeo.

Siggi Eggertsson: Supernova from Big Active on Vimeo.

Will Sweeney: Steven Malkmus "Darkwave" from Big Active on Vimeo.

Created by Jody Barton. MC Paul Barman-Owl Pellets from the new album 'Thought Balloon Mushroom Cloud'

JOY OF DESTRUCTION from Xaver Xylophon on Vimeo.

Xaver Xylophon is a 24 year-old visual communications graduate from KHB Berlin Weißensee.

George Gendi: Middle dog gets angry
Here are some dogs who have to work together through some emotional issues.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

December 2010 Nike Dunk: Be True To Your Street

Nike Dunk: Be True To Your Street internet campaign in Japan, shot by a photographer called Artcoup.

Blu Mural Whitewash Protest

Downtown LA BLU MOCA Whitewash Protest // 01.03.2011 from jesse trott on Vimeo.

The art community comes together in this video for a protest revolving around the recent drama between MOCA director Jeffrey Deitch and his involvement in the censorship of Blu’s mural, which after six days of work was abruptly taken down at the request of Deitch.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Patta & Precinct 5: Natural Progressions

Patta & Precinct 5: Natural Progressions from on Vimeo.

Starting with Patta, the Amsterdam-based retailer developed a strong foothold as a local destination for those looking for their sneaker and streetwear fix. Following natural growth and progression, Patta extended its reach with an all new retail point with Precinct 5. We chopped it up with Timothy Sabojo and Malvin Wix to offer a bit of perspective and history regarding their movement while Masta Lee offers us a short tour of Amsterdam in his everyday travels.

Intel Visual Life: The Sartorialist

Blogger Scott Schumann aka The Sartorialist, stars in this video in order to explain the visual elements to his life. Specifically, Schumann explains the way in which visual dialogues have shaped his work and what visual dynamics mean to him. Also discussing the way in which he is affected by magazines and photographs, Schumann continues to explain his photographic approach and how he comes to create the visual works for which he is famous for.

Man About Town: Kilian Martin Video

Produced for Man About Town’s fall and winter 2010 issue is the following video featuring skater Kilian Martin. In November of last year, Martin rose to notoriety thanks to a video showcasing his own unique style of skateboarding. As part of the Man About Town video, Martin forgoes the usual skate attire for something different in a further emphasis of his own approach.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Undercity Film NYC

UNDERCITY from Andrew Wonder on Vimeo.

Urban dwellers Andrew Wonder and Steve Duncan engaged in some underground activities last year, deep under the city of New York. Offered above is their film, which captures the entire experience through sewers, freedom tunnels, and just about every other grimey aspect of the underground. Enjoy!

Reverting to Type Exhibition

Reverting to Type from Lima Charlie on Vimeo.

The post-Christmas leg of Reverting to Type will reopen on January 4, 2011. The showcase features the efforts and work of 20 modern day letterpress practitioners from around the world.

Standpoint Gallery
January 4th – January 22nd, 2011
45 Coronet Street
N1 6HD